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Desktop Agent bridging message exchange for a getAppMetadata API call on the DesktopAgent. Generated by API calls:

Message Exchange Type: Request Response (single)


let appIdentifier = { appId: "", desktopAgent: "agent-B" }
let appMetadata = await fdc3.getAppMetadata(appIdentifier);

fdc3.getAppMetadata calls should only involve the Desktop Agent Bridge where a desktopAgent field appears in the AppIdentifier being queried, all other calls should be handled locally by the Desktop Agent. Hence, the is required on all requests.

Message exchange

Desktop Agent AApp ADesktop Agent ADesktop Agent BridgeDesktop Agent BDesktop Agent Cfdc3.getAppMetadata()getAppMetadataRequestgetAppMetadataRequestgetAppMetadataResponse (B)getAppMetadataResponse (B)resolve (AppMetadata)App ADesktop Agent ADesktop Agent BridgeDesktop Agent BDesktop Agent C

Request format

Request message schemas


Outward message to the bridge:

// agent-A -> DAB
"type": "getAppMetadataRequest",
"payload": {
"app": {
{ "appId": "", "desktopAgent": "agent-B" }
"meta": {
"requestUuid": "<requestUuid>",
"timestamp": "2020-03-...",
"source": {
"appId": "AChatApp",
"instanceId": "02e575aa-4c3a-4b66-acad-155073be21f6"

which is repeated on to the target agent as:

// DAB -> agent-B
"type": "getAppMetadataRequest",
"payload": {
"app": {
{ "appId": "", "desktopAgent": "agent-B" }
"meta": {
"requestUuid": "<requestUuid>",
"timestamp": "2020-03-...",
"source": {
"appId": "AChatApp",
"instanceId": "02e575aa-4c3a-4b66-acad-155073be21f6",
"desktopAgent": "agent-A" //added by DAB

Response format

Response message schemas


Response message from a Desktop Agent:

// agent-B -> DAB
"type": "getAppMetadataResponse",
"payload": {
"appMetadata": {
"appId": "",
"name": "myApp",
"version": "1.0",
"title": "My example application",
"tooltip": " A tooltip for the application that can be used to render UI elements.",
"description": "A longer, multi-paragraph description for the application that could include mark-up.",
"icons": [..],
"screenshots": [...]
"meta": {
"requestUuid": "<requestUuid>",
"responseUuid": "<responseUuidAgentB>",
"timestamp": "2020-03-...",

The bridge receives the response, augments the appMetadata with a desktopAgent field, producing the following response which it sends back to agent-A:

// DAB -> agent-A
"type": "getAppMetadataResponse",
"payload": {
"appMetadata": {
"appId": "",
"name": "myApp",
"version": "1.0",
"title": "My example application",
"tooltip": " A tooltip for the application that can be used to render UI elements.",
"description": "A longer, multi-paragraph description for the application that could include mark-up.",
"icons": [..],
"screenshots": [...],
"desktopAgent": "agent-B" //added by DAB
"meta": {
"requestUuid": "<requestUuid>",
"responseUuid": "<responseUuidAgentB>",
"timestamp": "2020-03-...",
"sources": [{ "desktopAgent": "agent-B" }]